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Surprising Causes of Headaches

Sometimes it’s easy to tell why we experience the pain we do. Toothaches can be caused by cavities, and pain in the ankle can be caused by a sprain. But sometimes we find ourselves in pain and can’t explain why. Such is sometimes the case with headaches. Though headaches can be caused by many things like loud noise, there are often times when we simply cannot explain why our head is hurting. If you experience persistent headaches but aren’t sure why, here are some surprising reasons your head may be hurting that you may not have even considered.


Dehydration can sometimes be a culprit when it comes to headaches. This has to do with the tissue of the brain pulling away from the skull as it loses water. As we rehydrate, the brain tissues become rehydrated, too, causing the headache to subside.


Migraine headaches are a serious form of headache that affect 12 percent of all people. These headaches can be preventable with medication, however for some these medications do not work. Migraines are often more than just a headache and include symptoms like nausea and dizziness. Migraines have many causes, including possibly temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Though doctors aren’t certain why temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ dysfunction) causes migraines, they believe it has something to do with the temporomandibular joint’s positioning on the skull.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

As we mentioned before, temporomandibular joint dysfunction can be a contributing factor to headaches. This phenomena is often what brings people to the dentist for TMJ dysfunction in the first place. While you may not realize it, if you are experiencing unexplained jaw pain and headaches together, it could be due to TMJ dysfunction.

If you do believe you could be suffering from TMJ dysfunction, or you are experiencing symptoms like jaw stiffness, jaw pain, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, tinnitus (ringing of the ears), migraines or frequent non-migraine headaches, neck pain, or back pain, you could be suffering from TMJ dysfunction. Also, if you hear a clicking or popping sound when you open and close your jaw, this too could be a sign of TMJ dysfunction.

To learn more about TMJ dysfunction or to be evaluated for this condition, speak to Dr. Mingus about your symptoms and the solutions he can offer you to help get your jaw back in alignment and start living your life headache free.