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In the past year, we have learned a lot about the COVID-19 virus and what it does to the body while you have it. Unfortunately for some, there appear to be lingering side effects that continue long after the virus has left the body, including lung damage, and in some […]

Stress. Tension. Genetics. Injury. What do these four things have in common when it comes to your oral health? It could be your jaw, or more specifically, jaw clenching. Jaw clenching occurs often unconsciously, when you either clench your jaw so tightly that you grind your teeth (called bruxism) or […]

We all know that smoking is bad for us. It can cause everything from cancer to heart disease, and increase the likelihood of more severe side effects of other conditions, such as diabetes. But a new study in the journal Pain has now found that smoking can worsen the severity […]

When you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction, finding relief is a high priority. The pain from temporomandibular joint dysfunction (also known as TMJ dysfunction) can often be debilitating, causing jaw stiffness, the inability to open and close, neck and back pain, tinnitus (ringing ears), and even migraine headaches. As a […]

It’s safe to say we all suffer from the occasional headache. In fact, it is estimated that 75 percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 65 have gotten a headache in the past year. Headaches occur for many reasons, making it difficult to pinpoint the best way to […]

Arthritis is an inflammatory problem that affects millions of people around the globe. Though there is no cure for arthritis, there are many prescription medications available to help deal with the painful symptoms of this sometimes-debilitating illness. Arthritis can affect any of the joints of the body, including the hands, […]

Cold and flu season is here, not to mention the global coronavirus pandemic that has changed the way we live. But while many of us have read articles and watched the news and know the dangers of these illnesses, doctors are discovering a new way that illnesses like COVID-19 and […]

You may have heard the term before, but in the off chance you haven’t, here’s everything you need to know about a specialized branch of dentistry known as epigenetic dentistry. Epigenetic dentistry is something Dr. Mingus is very passionate about, but that not many people know about. So, what is […]

Wearing a mask has become a way of life for most of us, and it seems like it won’t be going away anytime soon. Unfortunately, while masks help keep us and those around us safe from illness, they can sometimes come with their own set of problems. Many people report […]

We often hear that our oral health affects our overall health- but what does that mean, exactly? How could brushing our teeth affect the heart, blood, and stomach? Bacteria from our gums can be the cause of many troubles in our bodies, from Alzheimer’s disease to stroke and diabetes. But […]