Braces are a common topic during routine dental visits, but many patients are unsure if they are actually needed. Straight teeth can provide a beautiful smile and promote good oral health, and it’s important to address potential issues early on with orthodontic evaluations. Here are some top signs that you or your child may need braces, and tips to help identify the right time to begin treatment. Dr. Mingus in Bend is an experienced orthodontist who can offer valuable insights and personalized care for your needs.
Crooked, Overcrowded, or Irregularly Spaced Teeth
Crooked, overlapping, or irregularly-spaced teeth can be aesthetically displeasing, but also create health issues. When teeth are not properly aligned, it can make it difficult to properly brush and floss, resulting in plaque build-up that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Overcrowding creates additional pressure on teeth and can lead to other issues like headaches, jaw pain, and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder. Plus, poor alignment can even cause speech issues if not addressed. If any of these issues with teeth alignment are present, a visit to an orthodontist is likely in order. Dr. Mingus can carefully examine your child’s teeth to determine if braces are needed.
Difficulty Chewing or Biting?
Changes in the shape or alignment of the jaw and facial bones can also affect the ability to properly chew or bite. Teeth that aren’t positioned correctly can make it difficult to eat certain foods or to close the mouth completely while chewing or swallowing. If you notice your child having difficulty chewing or biting, or you experience these issues yourself, it’s wise to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist to assess the problem and discuss potential treatment options.
Early Loss of Baby Teeth
The loss of baby teeth is a normal part of dental development, and having a few missing teeth is generally not cause for concern. However, if your child starts losing teeth much earlier than the typical age, or if they lose baby teeth and then new ones do not come in as they should, the underlying cause could be an alignment issue and may require braces. Overly early or late loss of baby teeth can be a sign of an underlying larger issue that may require the attention of an orthodontist.
Persistent Thumb Sucking
While thumb sucking is a common and usually harmless behavior in young children, if the habit persists after the age of 5 or 6, it can start to cause alignment issues in the teeth and jaw. Sucking the thumb can create pressure on the front teeth, pushing them outward and potentially leading to an overbite or teeth misalignment. To prevent future issues, parents should be vigilant about helping their children break the habit of thumb sucking. If your child is unable to break the habit, an orthodontist can provide advice and support to help make sure the habit does not cause long-term damage.
Consult with Dr. Mingus to Determine if Braces Are Needed
Is it time to consider braces for yourself or your child? The best time to determine if braces are needed is during an orthodontic evaluation with an expert such as Dr. Mingus in Bend. As a top orthodontist with extensive experience, Dr. Mingus can assess the state of your or your child’s oral health and provide recommendations for treatment.
If you notice any of the signs listed above or if you have any concerns about the alignment of your or your child’s teeth, it’s worth considering a visit to Dr. Mingus and his team at Align Orthodontics in Bend, Oregon. Dr. Mingus can help determine the best plan for treatment, and also provide valuable information on the different types of braces available. Schedule an evaluation with Dr. Mingus to get one step closer to a beautiful and healthy smile.