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If you have temporomandibular joint dysfunction you may already know that this condition of the joints of the jaw can cause other problems throughout the head and neck. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (also known as TMJ dysfunction) occurs when the lower portion of the jaw becomes misaligned with the temporomandibular joint […]

A new study that measured levels of something called visceral adiposity may explain why you have sleep apnea. Visceral adiposity is body fat, but not the body fat you typically think of when you think of body fat. It’s not necessarily the fat you see, but the fat that wraps […]

Approximately 300,000 to 400,000 people around the world have the condition known as Prader-Willi Syndrome. Prader-Willi Syndrome is a condition that occurs when there is a lack of paternal genes in chromosome number 15, which is responsible for sleep, appetite, metabolism, and social behavior. Persons with Prader-Willi Syndrome often have […]

Do you wake up throughout the night, or respond to sound light or other outside stimuli? If you do, you may not even realize it. Called “unconscious wakefulness,” it may cause you to feel tired or have low energy during the day, and unfortunately, there may not be a whole […]

Did you know that oral health during pregnancy is especially important? That’s because pregnancy hormones can cause inflammation of the gums and pregnant women can develop gingivitis more easily than they might be they not pregnant. Worse yet, this can happen even if the woman already has excellent oral hygiene! […]

With the COVID-19 pandemic still a huge problem around the world, there are many people looking to find ways to reduce their risk of catching the virus, and looking to lessen its severity if they do catch it. Vaccines, hand washing, mask-wearing, and social distancing are all doing their parts […]

If you have certain heart conditions or are at higher risk for infective endocarditis, there are new guidelines for whether or not you should be prescribed antibiotics prior to some oral health procedures. Patients with congenital heart disease (both adults and children), patients who have undergone valve repair and /or […]

Millions of people around the world enjoy an occasional glass of their favorite alcoholic beverage. But for some, drinking can become problematic- especially during the pandemic. In fact, a new study has found that alcohol consumption has increased during the pandemic, by rates of 60 percent. A staggering 46 percent […]

A startling new study has revealed that not everyone with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) fits the typical bill for this sleep disorder. The study focused on military members, and found that obstructive sleep apnea rates increased in service members in the branches of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. […]

Many people who come into the office and are diagnosed with gum disease wonder what they can do to reverse gum disease and make their gums healthy again. While there are varying degrees of gum disease, it’s not always possible to eliminate advanced-stage gum diseases like periodontal disease or periodontitis. […]