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Seasonal TMJ Flares in Bend: Understanding Patterns

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) is a painful condition that affects the jaw. It involves the muscles, ligaments, discs, and bones of the top and bottom jaw. Many TMJ sufferers experience recurring symptoms, which can include jaw pain, popping or clicking in the jaw, stiffness, and ear problems. It is a little-known fact that TMJ symptoms can often become worse during certain seasons, such as spring or fall. If you suffer from TMJ, understanding whether you experience seasonal flares and what causes them can help you to manage your symptoms better.

Causes and Triggers of TMJ Flares

The causes of TMJ have not been completely understood, but experts agree that there are several known triggers that can lead to an increase in symptoms. Common triggers of TMJ flares include stress, excessive jaw movement, poor posture, teeth grinding, genetics, or previous injuries to the jaw or neck. Research has also shown that certain seasons can trigger or exacerbate TMJ flares in some individuals. In Bend, Oregon, for example, the harsh combination of wind, allergies, and cold/dry temperatures can create a painful experience for TMJ sufferers.

Dealing with TMJ Flares in Bend

If you live in Bend and suffer from TMJ, then you know how difficult it can be to manage your symptoms during certain times of the year. One of the best things you can do to manage a seasonal TMJ flare is to take care of your overall health. Exercise is a great way to improve your health and can help reduce your stress levels. It can also help to identify and avoid triggers, such as not eating hard foods or chewing gum.

It is also important to talk to a specialist about your symptoms. There are several treatment options available that can help you manage your TMJ symptoms. Physical therapy, splints, mouthguards, anti-inflammatory medications, or even surgery may be appropriate for some individuals. A specialist can also help you to identify and avoid triggers, as well as help you to develop a plan that works for you.


Seasonal flares of TMJ can be a painful experience for those dealing with this condition. If you are a Bend resident suffering from TMJ, then it may be useful to monitor your symptoms and see if there is a pattern. Understanding the triggers of your flares and having a plan in place to manage the symptoms are essential for improving your quality of life. Consulting with a specialist and taking care of your overall health are also key components to managing TMJ flares. Understanding the triggers and finding the right treatment can help you to manage your symptoms and live with less pain.