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Fall is finally here, and the country is starting to cool off and open back up. The fall means fall sports and outdoor fun, but heading outdoors can have its downsides, too. If you plan on going outside into nature this fall, don’t forget to take some precautions. Here’s a […]

“Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes.” So said Christopher Bullock, way back in 1716 in The Cobbler of Preston. The same thing rings true today. We have taxes on all sorts of things these days, including in some areas, on sugar. The United Kingdom, […]

It’s officially back-to-school season, which means homework, bus rides, and extracurriculars are back in full swing again. These factors can really add up, packing your childrens’ schedules and making it difficult for appointments and sometimes, for self-care. But don’t let a busy fall schedule get in the way of your […]

With the pandemic still raging, it’s hard to turn on the news or go on social media and not hear anything about COVID-19. Whether it’s new infection rates, new mutations of the virus, or some other data, the coverage of this sometimes-deadly virus has left many of us stressed and […]

With sites like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram hosting literally billions of users, it’s no wonder that social media has become such a big part of our lives. Social media influences everything from our dietary choices to our clothing and even health decisions, too. Recently, many young adults ‘went viral’ for […]

According to some data, approximately one in five Americans drinks at least one serving of soda per day, with many drinking much more. Soda, as you may have already heard, is packed with sugar and acids like tartaric acid, citric acid, and phosphoric acid, all of which eat away at […]

The pandemic has not been easy on any of us, whether we have gotten ill, cared for an ill loved one, are a front-line worker, or have been given extra responsibilities at home with our children. No matter our individual situation, it’s easy to say that it’s been difficult for […]

We all want healthy, strong teeth. But sometimes, what we eat can be detrimental to our oral health, and to our healthy teeth goals. Even foods we think are good for us can be deceptive, containing hidden carbohydrates, sugar, and even acid that eats away at the enamel of our […]

Flossing. We all know how important it is, but many of us simply don’t do it regularly. There are myriad reasons why we neglect this important step in our oral health care routine, but we are only doing ourselves a disservice when we don’t floss. Flossing doesn’t just clean the […]

Weight loss is a 60 billion-dollar-a-year industry, according to data from Marketdata Enterprises. From weight loss programs to special foods, books, apps, and fitness devices, Americans’ pursuit of weight loss can be costly. But how much of it actually works? While diet and exercise remain the gold standard, some people […]