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TMJ During Pregnancy: Managing Symptoms with Dr. Mingus

Are you experiencing any headaches, jaw pain, facial muscle aches, earaches, or tenderness or pain in your neck, shoulders, or jaw joint? If so, you may be one of the many women experiencing temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder during their pregnancy. This painful and often disturbing condition is characterized by discomfort and pain in the major muscles surrounding the jaw joint, as well as in the joint itself, and can result in numerous symptoms that can affect your daily life. If you are in this situation and need help managing your symptoms, schedule an appointment with Dr. Mingus, a trusted TMJ specialist who can help you cope with your disorder in a safe and effective manner!

What is TMJ?

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint and the disorder of the muscles and joint surrounding them that is often referred to as TMJ disorder. In general, TMJ disorder is characterized by pain around the joints in the jaw, facial muscles, and neck, as well as increased sensitivity in those areas. It can occur for many reasons, including arthritis, an injury, or a misalignment or strain in the muscles or joints around your jaw.

However, for many women, especially during their pregnancy, the pain and discomfort they are experiencing stems from stress, increased hormone levels, and the hormonal imbalances that frequently accompany pregnancy. These factors can make women more sensitive to their TMJ disorder and more prone to experiencing chronic pain from their disorder.

How Can Dr. Mingus Help With Your TMJ Symptoms?

The discomforts associated with TMJ disorder can often be complex and challenging to manage, especially for women who are expecting. Because of this, it is crucial that women experiencing difficulties with their TMJ seek out treatment from a trusted specialist like Dr. Mingus. Dr. Mingus is a TMJ expert who is experienced in diagnosing, treating, and managing TMJ disorder in women of all ages, including those that are pregnant. During your appointment with Dr. Mingus, she will listen to your case, perform appropriate diagnostic tests and procedures, and recommend treatment options and other relief strategies that are specifically tailored to help you manage your symptoms safely and effectively.

Some of the common strategies that Dr. Mingus will likely suggest for your TMJ disorder include:

1. Physical Therapy and Stretching Exercises

Physical therapy has been proven to be an effective treatment method for alleviating some of the discomforts associated with TMJ disorder. Dr. Mingus can recommend a variety of stretching and strengthening exercises that can help to relieve some of the discomfort and pain associated with your TMJ. Furthermore, some general stretching and strengthening exercises for the rest of the body can also help to reduce symptoms by reducing tension and stress that may be placing additional strain on your jaw.

2. Stress-Management Techniques

Stress is often a great source of discomfort and pain for women during their pregnancy, and it can be a direct trigger for TMJ symptoms in some cases. For this reason, Dr. Mingus will recommend that you learn and practice various relaxation and stress-management techniques to help you better cope with the stress of daily life. Techniques like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization can all help to reduce your stress level and associated symptoms.

3. Medication and Other Treatment Options

If necessary, Dr. Mingus may prescribe appropriate medication for your TMJ disorder and associated symptoms. Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen may help to provide some temporary relief from your symptoms, while some other more powerful medications can help to preven