
The Link Between TMJ and Skiing: How Dr. Mingus Offers Relief in Bend

Skiing is a popular pastime in the United States, but for many people, the sport can lead to muscle pain and discomfort. In recent years, it has become clear that there is a direct link between skiing and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. Dr. Mingus, an expert in Bend, Oregon, has developed a unique treatment program for those who suffer from TMJ due to skiing. In this article, we will explore the connection between skiing and TMJ, and discuss how Dr. Mingus can help you relieve the pain.

The Connection Between Skiing and TMJ

Skiing involves a lot of pressure and exertion on the muscles. In particular, your facial muscles can become tense and fatigued as you ski down the slopes. When muscle tension becomes too great, it can lead to TMJ syndrome. TMJ is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull. The disorder can cause, among other symptoms, painful aching in the jaw, occasional locking of the jaw, and difficulty chewing food. Skiing can exacerbate these symptoms and cause even more discomfort.

How Dr. Mingus Can Help

Dr. Mingus has developed a unique program that can help those with TMJ relieve their symptoms and get back to enjoying their daily activities, including skiing. The program combines chiropractic care and massage therapy to ease muscle tension and provide relief from pain. The chiropractic adjustments can help to realign your jaw, which can relieve the pressure on the muscles and reduce inflammation. Additionally, massage therapy can help to relax the muscles and improve blood flow, which can help to reduce pain and discomfort.

What to Expect from Treatment

If you decide to seek treatment for your TMJ, you can expect a comfortable, safe environment where you will receive personalized care. Dr. Mingus will first take a complete medical history to understand the underlying causes of your TMJ. Then, she will perform a thorough examination to determine the best course of treatment. Depending on your individual needs, treatment may involve one or a combination of the following:

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care can involve a variety of techniques to help your jaw joints and muscles function better. These may include gentle adjustments to realign the joints, as well as exercises and stretches to help improve muscle function. These adjustments can help to relieve the pressure and tension in your muscles and joints, leading to decreased pain and an improved range of motion.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help to relax tight muscles and improve blood flow. This can help to reduce pain and discomfort and restore your muscles to optimal health. Depending on your individual needs, Dr. Mingus may use a variety of techniques, including Myofascial release, deep tissue massage, and trigger point therapy, to help relieve your symptoms.

Education and Support

Finally, Dr. Mingus will provide education and support to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and minimize your risk of developing TMJ in the future. She can provide advice on proper posture, stretching exercises, and stress reduction techniques that can help you to stay pain-free and enjoy your activities.


Skiing can be a fun and invigorating pastime, but it can lead to muscle pain and discomfort for some people. In recent years, it has become clear that there is a direct link between skiing and TMJ syndrome. However, if you suffer from TMJ due to skiing, Dr. Mingus in Bend, Oregon can provide an effective and safe treatment program to help you relieve your symptoms and get back to enjoying your life. With her unique combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy, you can trust that Dr. Mingus will help you stay healthy and pain-free.