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How the Sun Can Benefit Oral Health

Do you love spending time out in the sunlight? Are you adamant about maintaining your oral health as well? Well, the next time you’re lying out in the sun and soaking up its rays, you will also be brightening that smile!

Not in the literal sense, but by upping your intake of vitamin D, which benefits your overall health. Vitamin D helps your body produce calcium, which is used to strengthen your teeth, preventing bacterial infections and other illnesses. 

The vitamin also provides protection against inflammation and gum disease. Vitamin D also helps keep your jaw bone strong and the connections to your teeth healthy. Lastly, vitamin D is great for combating disease, keeping your immune system up and fighting so you stay healthy. 

Too Much of a Good Thing

However, you don’t need to be spending a long time out in the sun tanning or visiting your local tanning bed. In fact, it should only take a few minutes to soak up some rays and be all set in your vitamin D levels. 

Precaution should be in mind as well – too much sunlight can be damaging to your teeth and overall oral health. Your mouth can get burned in the sun, and you can also suffer burns from routine oral care treatments such as UV whitening products or applications. 

How Do I Know If I Burned My Mouth?

Afraid you may have burned your mouth? One of the signs is dryness. Your taste buds may have also changed suddenly, or you may experience a complete loss in taste or a numb mouth. 

If you’re wondering how much sun is too much, you should consult your dentist with a list of concerns. And, of course, you need to be keeping up with your oral routine, such as brushing and flossing twice a day. 

Do you have further questions on how to maintain your teeth? Call 541-382-6565 to talk to a dental professional and brighten that smile today!