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The Impact of Bend’s Altitude on TMJ Symptoms

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) symptoms can be quite troublesome and can cause intense pain and discomfort. Bend, Oregon is known for its high altitude and beautiful scenery. However, as one of the most active and vibrant towns in Oregon, it has an impact on the TMJ symptoms of its residents and visitors. In this article, we’ll discuss the impact of Bend’s altitude on TMJ symptoms and how it affects those with chronic TMJ.

What Is The Temporomandibular Joint?

The temporomandibular joint is a complex joint located below the ear and connecting the upper and lower jaw. The TMJ is responsible for all of the jaw movements that allow us to talk and eat. When the joint becomes damaged or strained, the muscles and ligaments around the joint become inflamed, leading to TMJ symptoms. These symptoms may include pain, headaches, earaches, and difficulty in chewing. The exact cause of TMJ is still a mystery, but it is believed that multiple factors, including genetics, stress, and jaw misalignment, may contribute to its development.

Altitude and TMJ: What’s the Connection?

The connection between altitude and TMJ hasn’t been fully understood, but research has shown it to be both a good and bad connection for those with TMJ. On the positive side, the low atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes has been found to improve time to recovery of TMJ symptoms. The dry, less-stressful conditions can also help to reduce joint pain and swelling. Conversely, some patients with TMJ have reported that higher altitudes exacerbated their symptoms. This has led to the belief that changing altitudes can affect TMJ patients’ symptoms differently.

Changing Altitudes: The True Impact

Although studies in Bend itself are few, studies in other mountainous areas, like Denver, Colorado, have shown that the impact of a changing altitude is not uniform across all patients. Some patients with TMJ experienced improvement in their symptoms, while others saw an increase in their symptoms. Other studies have shown that the changes in barometric pressure and humidity levels can exacerbate symptoms of TMJ.

The reasons for these conflicting results are complex, but they often boil down to the individual patient. For some, the improvement of dry conditions at higher altitudes may lessen the symptoms, while for others, the increase in barometric pressure can increase the tension and inflammation in the joint. These individual factors are further complicated by other biological factors such as genetics and age that can affect how altitude impacts an individual’s TMJ symptoms.

Stress in Bend and TMJ Symptoms

Because patients with TMJ are often more sensitive to various stressors, many researchers and patients believe that increased stress found in bustling areas like Bend can exacerbate symptoms. Many patients with TMJ report symptoms lasting for days if they are not given time to recover, and it has been found that levels of stress, excitement, and physical activity can impact the severity and duration of these symptoms. With Bend being home to a robust nightlife, busy downtown, and various outdoor activities, exceptional stress has been found in many patients with TMJ. The elevated stress levels in Bend can make it uncomfortable for some individuals with TMJ to live in or visit the area.It is clear that the impact of Bend’s altitude on TMJ symptoms can be quite complex. The benefit of the low atmospheric pressure and dry conditions can be almost perfect for some individuals with TMJ, while others may find this change in altitude increases their symptoms. Stress levels in Bend can also have an impact on TMJ as it can worsen symptoms in TMJ patients. Individuals with chronic TMJ need to be mindful of how the local surroundings like altitude can impact their symptoms.